Register now for Korea Peace Advocacy Week!

Join hundreds of people across the country in nationally coordinated virtual advocacy meetings for peace in Korea! We will be urging members of Congress to support:

  • A peace agreement to end the Korean War (H.R.3446, the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act)
  • Life-saving humanitarian assistance to North Korea (H.R.1504, the Enhancing North Korea Humanitarian Assistance Act)
  • The
    reunification of separated Korean Americans with their loved ones in
    North Korea (S.2688, the Korean War Divided Families Reunification Act)

What to expect:

Prior to advocacy week, you will:

  • Be trained on how to lobby Members of Congress
  • Have the opportunity to learn how to communicate effectively to your Representatives on meaningful issues
  • (Training and webinars will take place at 8pm ET in the week prior to advocacy week.)

During advocacy week, you will:

  • Have one to three meetings with Members of Congress and/or their staff
  • (Meetings
    with Members of Congress will take place during the week, typically
    between 9am and 6pm ET, and last about 30 minutes. Coordinators will do
    their best to work with your schedule.)

After advocacy week, you will:

  • Have the option to attend a casual virtual or in-person happy hour and debrief

Organized by Korea Peace Network (Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network, Peace Treaty Now, Korea Peace Network)

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